about us

About the Store

We’re a local business located right on the main strip of Lincoln Avenue, operated and managed by Jamie and Linda Sizelove. Jamie has been tinkering with computers and electronics since childhood, and he looks forward to meeting and serving the fine folks of Willow Glen and surrounding communities.

Where It All Began

A couple of years ago, Linda  dropped her iPhone while reaching for her car keys. She dealt with the broken glass for weeks, but desperately needed a screen replacement. Jamie wanted to be her knight in shining armor! After doing some research on repair shops in the area, he noticed there was a huge markup on parts and labor. Why not give it a go himself?

Jamie bought a new screen and successfully replaced it. This was his true calling, repairing electronics and helping people get their devices working again. Now he’s a Certified Level 3 Cellular Master Technician. Jamie can provide board level component replacements using soldering skills, which only a few people in the Bay Area are able to provide!

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